Legacy media’s curious lack of curiosity means we don’t know what Hunter sold to the various foreign actors but we do know he did not “sell the Biden name.”    People “trade on their family name” to get money or other perks all the time.  That is true but that has nothing to do with what Hunter Biden was doing.  Exploring how people “trade on their name” will demonstrate that whatever Hunter was selling it was not the Biden name. 

Classic examples of selling your name would be “Air Jordans” the “Forman Grill” and even “Billy Beer”.   Michael Jordan no doubt traded on his name in exchange for money.  Nike was able to publicize his name on a product in exchange for the money.  Of course, that only makes sense when they can publicly use his name.  In Hunter’s deals the Biden name was deliberately hidden from the public.  If Michael Jordan suggested you are never to mention my name and you should pay me millions of dollars through a company called “Skaneateles” I don’t think the deal would have gone through.  Why?  Well because Michael Jordan was, in fact, selling his name.  His name not his political power were for sale. 

Other people trade on their name is less explicit ways.  For example Carrot Top, Erik Estrada, and Toney Stewart are all selling their names in this Burger King commercial. 

They no doubt received more money for Burger King’s ability to use their name even though they did not name a burger or food after them.  We can argue about each person’s ability to act but it wasn’t acting talent alone.  It was the name.  If they offered to do the same bit without mentioning their name, and wearing disguises so no one would ever be able to identify who they were they almost certainly would not have made as much money.    Again that is because they were in fact trading on their name.

Chelsea Clinton went to Stanford for her undergraduate degree and Hunter went to Yale Law School. Did they get the same scores as people whose father was not a famous politician?   I don’t know but it is at least likely that their names helped.  But again this could be a selling point for the University in that some students likely would like the idea of possibly being a room mate with the daughter of a President.   And even beyond the name it would seem to add “diversity” to the student body to have someone from such an unusual background on the campus. 

In any case, the question is not whether Hunter got into Yale Law School due to his family name.  The issue is why are foreign nationals paying his various companies millions of dollars.    Are we about to see “Air Bidens” coming out of a Chinese Nike factory?  Is Hunter Biden going to appear in a commercial selling Ukrainian Borscht?  If he so then we all might be relieved to learn he was in fact “selling his family name.”   

Here all the evidence suggests that Hunter was not selling his name.  What we know so far suggests he was either selling promises of political influence, or in this last “whats app” message using his father’s political clout to extort money.    This is not something that happens all the time.   The only thing more shocking than this corruption scandal is the lack of interest from much of our press and Department of Justice.